Thank You

Thank you for your application. Your details will be added to our records and we will contact you shortly to let you know when you can expect to be able to join.

About Us

If you want to find out more about 1st Cheddington Scout Group, how the Scout Group works and the environment we operate in then you should be able to find the answer in this section.

Select the area of interest from the menu on the left.


A website like this can only be put together with the help and support of many individuals and organisations who give their time freely for others.

1st Cheddington is therefore very grateful to the following:

  • The Joomla! development team and the army of extension developers throughout the world who have created the Joomla! environment that powers this website (current installed version 2.5.8).

  • John Barrett who developed the Scouting template that we modified as a basis for our site.

  • The developers of the following Joomla! extensions:

  • The leaders and supporters at 1st Cheddington for providing the content of the website and keeping the information up to date.

And, of course, the young people in the group who make it all worthwhile.

Current Vacancies

Although we are always on the look out for willing volunteers in any area, we are particularly looking for help for the following positions.

If you are interested in any of these positions or in joining 1st Cheddington as an adult, please contact us. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders and Colony Assistants

Our Beaver Colonies continue to grow and are therefore looking for additional assistant leaders to provide regular help at colony meetings helping our existing leader team to provide the demanding meetings that the successful beaver colony expects every week.The role involves helping to plan the weekly meetings as well as running games and activities each week and additional activities at other times. We are also looking for Colony assistants that play a less active but still equally important role helping out at meetings when required.

Assistant Cub Scout Leaders and Pack Assistants

Our Cub Packs continue to grow and are therefore looking for additional assistant leaders to provide regular help at pack meetings helping our existing leader team to provide the demanding meetings that the successful cub pack expects every week. The role involves helping to plan the weekly meetings as well as running games and activities each week and additional activities at other times. We are also looking for pack assistants that play a less active but still equally important role helping out at meetings when required.

Group Executive Committee Members

The Group Executive Committee needs additonal members to help provide the necessary support for the Scout Group. Committee Members may be asked to help with a number of issues, such as fundraising, maintenence of our headquarters and equipment, and helping with publicity .The role is interesting, varied and is of immense value to a very worthwhile cause. Being a Committee Member allows you to work closely with a number of other adults and to see the effect your volunteering has.

Young Leaders

Are you aged between 14 and 18 and want to help at Beavers, Cubs or Scouts?  We are also looking for Young Leaders to help at our weekly section meetings running games and activities each week and additional activities at other times. Being a Young Leader is great fun and can be used towards the Service section of the DofE as well as looking great on your CV when applying for further education or jobs.

Please see our Young Leaders page for more information.

Skills Instructors

Do you have a particular skill or hobby that might be of interest to the young people in the area? This might be anything from being good at handicrafts through to being an experienced climber, being fanatical on participating in a particular sport through to being an expert canoeist  If you have such an interest and would be willing to share that interest with young people of any age from 6 to 18, please let us know; we are always on the lookout for additional activities, from a single one-off event through to regular weekly activities.

Full training is available for these roles. Candidates will be subject to normal Criminal Records Bureau procedures as well as reference checks.